
Teen Volunteer Opportunities

Teens (who have completed 6th grade) are able to participate in the Chambersburg Project by serving on a crew with other teens and adult leaders. They will work daily on their worksite project and have responsibilities ranging from cleaning, painting, yardwork, carpentry, and roofing. Click here for Registration Details.

Adult Missions Week Volunteer Opportunities

There are many ways adults are able to volunteer with the Chambersburg Project. The first way adults can serve is by being a crew leader. As a crew leader, you will lead and supervise a group of teens as they work together on various home repair projects. If you have experience in roofing, carpentry, plumbing, painting, or yard work, then this job is for you! (If you don’t have any experience in these areas, you are still able to serve as a crew leader).

Adults are able to serve in many other capacities besides being a crew leader. Adults can assist in the kitchen, drive teens to crew sites, drive materials to crew sites, serve as a project inspector, be a nurse, chaperone teens overnight, provide camp security, help with the missions week set up/tear down, and much more! If none of these fit you, send us an email and we’ll find a way for you to help! Click here for Registration Details.
**We encourage adults to volunteer for the full week of Chambersburg Project. However, we recognize some are unable to give a full week. If you can only serve part of the week or part of the day, we encourage you to still sign up and help when you can!**

Extra Adult Volunteer Opportunities

-The Chambersburg Project operates through many volunteers that work year round for our organization. Below are the teams that assist in operating Chambersburg Project. If you are interested in joining any of these teams and in assisting with the planning of the Chambersburg Project, please contact us through email at thechambersburgproject@gmail.com or through phone at 717-261-0045.

Registration Team

The Registration Team handles all adult and student registrations for any of our events. This team also completes many of administrative tasks. If you are highly administrative or enjoy working with people, come join us!

Team Leader: Caleb Ray

Building/Home Team

The Building Team processes all homeowner applications. This team also inspects all home for the repairs they may need and then prioritizes those homes for the summer work camp. The Building Team also coordinates the home repairs for the summer work camp.

Team Leader: Doug Drooger


The Fundraising Team plans and coordinates our fundraisers throughout the year. The team is responsible for collecting donations for the fundraisers as well. If you enjoy planning and carrying out events, this team might be for you!

Team Leader: Ed Herald

Opening, daily, and Closing Programs

The Evening Program Team is the team responsible for creating the schedule and programming for the work camp. This team schedules our speakers and bands, handles the development of the devotions, our annual t-shirt, and games as well. If you are creative and enjoy working with other, come and join us!

Team Leader: Caleb Ray


The finance team is responsible for monitoring the organization’s finances and creating our annual budget.

Team Leader: Sharon Moats


The Food Team handles all of the organization’s food needs. They order and coordinate food operations for the summer work camp and any of our fundraisers. If you enjoy preparing food and serving others, the Food Team may be for you!

Team Leader: Mike Leese